
According to Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition: A Series of Handbooks and Reference Works on the Intellectual and Religious Life in Europe, 500-1800- A Companion to Alfred the Great, Alfred called on many high-ranking individuals to start the process of rendering certain books of the Bible and other writings from Latin to English. According to the book, “he himself, he (Alfred) says, has already made a contribution , by first studying, and rendering into English, that book which is named in Latin Pastoralis, and in English Hierdeboc, ‘Shepherd’s Book,’ that is to say the Regula, or Cura, Pastoralis of Pope Gregory the Great”. Which is endlessly fascinating considering, from what the book says, the only manuscripts containing Old English “literary” texts to survive from this time of the 9th century are two copies of Alfred’s Hierdeboc (Today referred to as Pastoral Care). Meaning, that to wonder if all those he asked heeded to his want, would only be conjecture. But the evidence of him writing does seem to exist, and is ever fascinating.

When looking for a reason, this is definitely a reason he was great.

Sources: Discenza, Nicole Guenther, and Paul Edward. Szarmach. A Companion to Alfred the Great. Brill, 2015.


Literacy, and English Poetry

The British Library (Public domain)

Aside from repelling the Danes, Alfred was known for trying to widen literacy in, and within, his Kingdom. According to a website called, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle began during his reign, circa 890.

Unknown about Alfred, was his earlier interests in scholarly activity. Being that he was 5th in line to power (with 4 older brothers), Alfred was believed to have said he would not desire power. His mother was an influence on him, she aroused an interest in English poetry, and from a young age he had an interest in Latin learning (possibly arising from his visits to Rome in 853 and 855) ( The irony is that Alfred would not acquire much of the information and knowledge he sought, until later in his life. He did, however, promote literacy throughout his Kingdom, eventually trying to transcribe parts of the Bible into English.

Alfred could seem great in many ways, possibly due-to his humbleness and willingness to learn. A promotion of knowledge is always a sure-fire way to assure that the scholars of the future see you as great. What historian wouldn’t think he was great? He left a fair amount of info to research, which is any scholar’s dream; no matter what century we are talking about.


Alfred, King of the Saxons

Understanding Alfred’s main accomplishments takes at least 10 minutes of pure talking. Why? Well, because Alfred did, in fact, do a lot to conjoin a divided England while simultaneously fighting the Danes (Vikings). Him being born into such a divided time maybe added to his greatness. When seeing how much land he controlled vs the land before his time/the Danish invasion, you see Alfred earned the term “King of the Saxons”. The picture above is Alfred’s Kingdom after defeating Guthrum, and pushing the Danes into what’s officially known as “The Danelaw”. Which was a strip controlled by Guthrum and the Danes.

Quick History thanks to History Matters:

Alfred’s England

Alfred was born into a time of a divided England, an England barely recognizable as “England” but rather a series of areas under their own rule. He was the Regent of Wessex, and there were other Regents who controlled their own areas. The idea of a unified “English” country would come with and following Alfred. To get an understanding I have provided a map from unknown origin. The map illustrates an England before Alfred, and the Dane invasion that Alfred fought off. Hard to believe one man, or one cause could unite all of these areas. Maybe this is yet another clue of why the ailing king was hailed as great.

Alfred’s Ailments

A portrayal of Alfred from the Netflix series; The Last Kingdom

Since he was a boy, Alfred suffered through horrible stomach and gut pain. It is believed he suffered from Crohn’s Disease. This did not stop Alfred in the slightest; it would be the reforms that he laid down in the fields of learning and religion that would propel England to resemble the way see it today. Even in the Netflix Show “The Last Kingdom”, it is referenced, many times, that Alfred admires knowledge and see’s recording history as a must for future generations. His use of writing history is also a portion of, what I believe, makes Alfred “great”. As we all know: he who writes the history books is afforded the controls of the historical narrative; it wouldn’t be very hard to make yourself seem great if it were your people writing the history books.


Alfred, known as Alfred “The Great” was the “first” Anglo-Saxon King. His “greatness” can be debated, and that’s what I intend to do.

Alfred’s Greatness is less about how great he was, or how great of an accomplishment had been achieved when he defeated Guthrum’s army. It was his accomplishments as King of the Anglo-Saxons, and just before. His greatness comes from the things he did, although Guthrum’s defeat stands out, I intend to show that Alfred’s more than just the defeater of the Danes (sort of) but a Uniting force in all that was “English”.