Alfred Remembered Today

Animation of Alfred angry with Guthrum from Extra Credit, a History source with comedic relief and animations.

If you haven’t noticed, I have been sprinkling little bits of Modern work related to Alfred all over this blog. Alfred’s story is as familiar to some of us, as the founding of our nation. The interest in Alfred has gone up in recent years, and that is probably due-to new shows.

Alfred is remembered today for many reasons, one of those reasons is due-to the unearthing (in 2013), of what some believed to be Alfred’s grave. This, in my opinion, peaked the interests of English and non-English speakers all over. The shows, as of late, residing on streaming and cable alike, all turn Alfred into a legendary like figure. Shows like, The Search For Alfred The Great (BBC), The Last Kingdom (Netflix), Vikings (History Channel), and many more that use his life in allegorical form. This is easy to understand as Alfred’s story is important to our own, because had he not fought off the Danes, many scholars believe English as a language and culture might not have survived.

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